Resonance Clearing

“Everything is Energy”

On a personal level, our bodies, our organs, our chakras, our thoughts, our emotions are all energies. All energy has a vibration, this vibration is vital to its function, health and vitality (life-force). Everything has assigned to it a specific range of vibrations of which it is considered healthy (life affirming) and when this energy level is depleted the system has to negotiate ways of operating sub-optimally, it limps along, the potential for imbalances and disease (Dis Ease/ Not at Ease) increases. Ultimately, if the level declines to such level that it is no longer life affirming it expires or dies.

It goes without saying we want to keep our vibration well within the heathy range.

Resonance clearing goes to the source of any lower vibrating energies in our bodies, aura’s, charkras and or environments and raises the vibration at source by entraining the lower energies into the higher energies until the energies resonate (are the same frequency). Think of it like lots of tuning forks that are at the correct frequency that you tune up to.

What does this mean?

It means that we can change energy to our advantage, we can clear lower vibrational energies that are literally draining our life-force, or contributing to our emotional imbalance, clouding our perceptions of what is possible for us and much more.

What can we do?

Have a Resonance Clearing session!!!!! This work can be done remotely, its energy and will find you if we give it the right information in the way of energetic signatures for you. Quantum physics explains how this works (look it up if you are interested). So as long as we have your energetic signature and what you intend to clear and improve the rest can be done whilst you do your thing. We work on you for a week with each type of clearing.

Here are some of our offerings below:

Chakra Resonance Clearing

These energy centres and energy flow centres are critical to you endocrine (hormone) system, your perceptions, your emotional and physical wellbeing. The better they flow the more resilient and stable you are.

The flow of these centers are affected by trama, energetic imprints, perceptions (but to name a few) thus partial or complete blockages can result in these areas.

The Bioenergetic Resonance sessions realign your chakras addressing the energetic source of blockages in the chakras, you can choose to work with this consciously interacting with guidance or you can let it happen for you…. it is up to you.

I use the analogy of a car service….. checks all is functioning as should for continued easy motoring.

Ancestral Resonance Clearing

Each and everyone of us (unless we have learned to clear it) have energetic gunk from our ancestral lines and parents wether you are aware of it or not…. isn’t it good practice to clear all that has come before so we are only dealing with the hear and now?

The Bioenergetic Resonance sessions clear all ancestral curses and the like such that you are just dealing with the wonderful challenges of this lifetime. Realigns your energy to dissipate all that no longer serves you and your descendants. You can choose to work with this consciously interacting with guidance or you can let it happen for you…. it is up to you .

I use the analogy of changing the oil in the car….. provides clean lubrcation and easy movement for the moving parts.

Emotional Resonance Clearing

Emotions are energy in motion, if I may be so bold as to say they are supposed to be messages to prompt us to take action, the more we resist the action… generally the more emotion arises. Misunderstanding these prompts can keep a person trapped in their emotional state, this energy can go through their mind and body like a lightning bolt in a glass jar damaging everything it comes into contact with.

The Bioenergetic Resonance sessions address the energetic source of these blockages, you can choose to work with this consciously interacting with guidance (and maybe using this to support other healing modalities) or you can let it happen for you…. it is up to you .

I use the analogy of a diagnostics check on your cars operating system….. checks all the circuitry is appropriate for continued easy motoring.

Environmental Resonance Clearing

The energy of our environments, our homes, our workplaces, places where we spend a lot of time are vitality important to our physical, emotional and mental well-being. It has more impact than we realise, you know when a place feels right and when it does not! There is unlimited application here, clearance of such energies as historic energies, of entities, energy imprints of previous occupants or activities they participated in. The preparation and harmonisation for study, healing, family life, sales, events you name it we could improve it.

The Bioenergetic Resonance sessions address the energetic source of disharmony in any environment, you can choose to work with this consciously interacting with guidance or you can let it happen for you…. …. it is up to you .

I use the analogy of maintaining the surface of the road you car will be driving over for a comfortable journey.

Study Support

Working with the energy of focus, concentration, revision, retention, preparation and harmonisation of mind and body in the preparation for exams. Plus dissipation of the disruptive emotional energy of fear of failure and nerves that prevent performance.

The Bioenergetic Resonance sessions address the energetic source of fear, frees up the brain capacity to concentrate on what is needed to focus, concentrate, learn, retain, and recall studied, You can choose to work with this consciously interacting with guidance or you can let it happen for you…. it is up to you .

I use the analogy of changing your car tyres so you have optimum grip to react to the road and conditions.

Exam Support

Working with the energy of focus, concentration, recall for the duration of the exam itself. Plus dissipation of the disruptive emotional energy of fear of failure and nerves that prevent performance.

The Bioenergetic Resonance session run during the exam itself, assisting with focus, concentration, recall of studies needed to pass the test.

This also falls under the analogy of changing your car tyres so you have optimum grip to react to the road and conditions.

Specific Resonance Clearing

We offer the standard sessions above that are bespoke to you and your energy, however this is not an exhaustive list, there is an opportunity to work with you on anything you need help and support with. These come in the form of 1-1 session which sets up resonance healing for yourself.

I have helped those moving and struggling to let go of their old property, those trying to sell their houses but had no interst, those going through major life transitions (marriage, parenthood, retirement, divorce, separation, illness), those with health struggles and challenges, trauma of a diagnosis and its subsequent outfall (all family members), lifestyle changes following covid 19, family issues and relationship issues of all kinds.