Frequently Asked Questions

Is Resonance Clearance a magic bullet?

Let us get something clear here, there is no such thing as a magic bullet treatment. You will be required to invest your energy in the activity, you need a clear intention on what you want to get out of the clearance, you will need to be open to what it brings forth for you. It will remove a lot of the obstacles, but you still have to push your boundaries to know if it is successful.

How many sessions will I need?

A session takes a week to complete the cycle of 4 clearings with a days rest in between each one. If you are specific in your intention (you will be helped with that in our communication) one session is sufficient.

You may find there are other areas you wish to concentrate on and these would come under a new session.

How much is a session?

Refer to our current price list.

Do you provide packages?

Yes it is a cost effective way to pay for your sessions, message me for more details.

Do you see specific age groups?

Helping with resonance clearing can be performed at any age, the only caveat to that is working with pregnant women themselves. I have not gathered enough evidence to feel this is the right thing to do for now thus I don’t provide a direct service to pregnant women. In this circumstance we can work on others in the ancestral lineage for the ancestral clearing, those supporting or affecting them as when those around you as it will improve the energy of their support team and of course environmental clearing.

Other than that, It is never too early to start and certainly never to late to make a change. I work with all age groups and work where there is a need for assistance.

It makes sense to work with parents as well if we are working with children.

Can I do Resonance with other treatments?

Yes, of course, it works wonderfully with other treatments, often enhancing the effectiveness of them as your mind and body work together to achieve your desired results. It is always wise to inform those giving you treatments what other treatments or modalities your using for the same means, it is professional curtsy.

Do I have to be in the same room as the system to have a session?

You do not have to be present for any of the remote session offered unless you opt for a 1-1 session (online or in person). Our remote offerings are set up such that they are through communication between ourselves and this means that you can receive this service wherever you are in the world. If you are partaking in a 1-1 session, the platform we use is zoom and you will be sent a link to the appointed session time as agreed with me. These session are realtime, one to one and interactive.

Can you have sessions in person?

Currently it is possible to have in person sessions here at my horsham clinic (Covid restrictions permitting) in the UK.

How can I pay?

Payment can be made via bank transfer or Credit Card (iZettle link via email or text) and must be paid in full 24 hours prior to your 1-1 session.

Will it divulge personal information about myself in a session?

If you are having a 1-1 session you are of course in control of the information you wish to share as if you were in normal or therapeutic conversation. You only divulge information pertinent to the therapeutic outcome and that you feel comfortable sharing. As for the system it is relatively high-level so it does not divulge anything that would not require further drill down between us if you were absent.

Are there any medical conditions Resonance Clearance is not recommended for?

Those with Psychotic conditions are not recommended to partake in most treatments and thus would be unsuitable for Resonace Clearing.

Resonance clearing is about improving energy flow and raising the vibration to healthy levels, therefore improvement of health and wellbeing is at the heart of what it dose. Always inform us of any medical conditions so that we are fully aware of what challenges you have and inform any other parties you are working with as a professional curtesy that your are partaking in energy clearing, if they have any questions please pass on our details and we will be happy to talk to them.

If someone you are working with absolutely refuses for you to support yourself with further helpful, stress reduction (energetic, mental, emotional, physical) without first looking into it and considering it, do they truly have your wellbeing at heart?

If I am pregnant should I have a Resonance Session?

I have not gathered enough evidence to feel this is the right thing to do for now, thus I don’t provide a direct service on pregnant women. In this circumstance we can work on others in the ancestral lineage for the ancestral clearing, those supporting or affecting them as when those around you as it will improve the energy of their support team and of course environmental clearing. When the baby is born, we can then look to close the loop by working on mum.

Why do you need my name, my date of brith, place of birth and a photo?

All of the above have an energetic signature and that onetime, unique energetic signature that is you as the receiver we want to direct the frequencies at. So this information helps the frequencies to come to you and you only. If you feel you don’t want to give this info but still want a session then I suggest you have an in person session.

What is a remote session?

The remote sessions allow me to gather enough info from you to pinpoint you for a session and obtain your intention for the clearance, either via the info submitted and or email exchange. I can then perform the session in your absence. It gives you a cost effect way of receiving a resonance session.

What does the resonance session I pay for include?

Session is maybe a little misleading in that it suggests that it is a one time thing only. There will be 4 resonance clearances over a one week period each with a rest day in-between. I will inform you of which period this will be over on confirmation of payment. I will also check in with you on completion, but please feel free to give feedback during the week.

Will I feel anything?

I have found this to be as varied as the people I have helped, some have felt nothing. Others have contacted me to say at 3pm were you working on me cos I felt something shift. So the answer is it depends on you.

Do I need to do anything?

We need you to set up your intention for the resonance clearing and be as specific as you can….. that way you can see if things have shifted or changed.

As it is a energy modality, it is always beneficial to keep hydrated as water is a great conductor for energy in the body.

If you want to receive affirmations to assist in your transition, when you receive them, write them down, put them somewhere you will see them regularly and say them out loud with feeling whenever you see them.

There is no specific need for you to be or do anything during the clearing other than maintain and open mind and an open heart to resolving the matter, you can go about your day as you normally would, or your can put your feet up.

Got Any Questions?