
Life is wonderful and also has its challenges. I strive to help people to be more resilient in their lives by offering services that empower people to be more emotionally resilient, feel better and live more. 

When we are emotionally resilient, we fear less and live more.

Hypnotherapy why it works:

  • Works within the Subconscious (feeling) part of the mind. We know we should do things like eat less chocolate, we know we should react differently when our mother in law calls or when we see an ex partner….. these thoughts are in the Conscious (logical) part of the mind, and the feelings are in the subconscious mind. As you will probably figured out by now, what we feel about something in the moment is ultimately more powerful than what we consciously think about something. When applying logic it requires constant vigilance and action….. so when we off our game even just for a second, it sneaks in and sabotages our best conscious intentions. 

  • Works with the mind -body connection. Yes our beliefs and thoughts have an effect on our body… think of your mums freshly baked cookies and your mouth will water or you will start to feel hungry…..Think of the going over the edge of a roller coaster and your belly will turn (excitement or fear). These are just the ones we are alerted to in the moment, what about the ones that take place over years before symptoms appear and change our lives. More and more research is being released on the effect of the Psychosomatic elements of disease, auto immune conditions, mental (emotional) health and of course good health and emotional stability.

  • Identifies what our feelings are trying to tell us and what they require us to do to overcome them.

  • Addressing erroneous beliefs at source that may or not be obvious to the client prior to the session.

All the phenomena above can be achieved by the skilful guidance of a hypnotherapist solely by voice alone. Therefore it can be done using many medias. Phone, Bespoke Recording, video call and in person. Therefore it can be done anywhere or anytime that is convent to you and your hypnotherapist and not just in a Hypnotherapists clinic or a geographical location.

Hypnotherapy can work alongside any other treatment, medical or holistic. There is every benefit to a treatment that you are already receiving and tailored to aid the effectiveness of your treatment. I work alongside doctors, fertility experts, acupuncturists, osteopaths, aromatherapists, dieticians, any expert in their field to help you get your desired results with them.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

This is the corner stone of all sessions, the holistic investigation of you. We are all complex beings, individuals with differing needs and desires in life. Only when one has an understanding of another’s life can they truly assist them in managing the status quo or facilitating change.

We look at all areas from life style, diet, movement, sleep, medical history, stressors and pressures, what your feelings are telling you and then work with you to take action on you feelings and build your emotional resilience with a nice side effect of being nurtured.

Emotional Challenges, Boredom, Inadequacy, Anger, Sadness, Guilt, Frustration, Loneliness, Depression, Fear, Phobias, Unhealthy Habits, Complusive Obsessive Behaviour, Addictions, Weight Gain, Stress, Sleep Issues, Motivation, Relationship Issues, Self-Worth/Self-Esteem, Grief, Allergies, Infertility, Skin Conditions, medical prognosis.

Advanced Analytical Hypnotherapy

Investigatory hypnotherapy to identify the root cause of issues and any associated erroneous beliefs, dealing with them at source. Therefore, freeing you to get on with your life as you wish it to be now. Rather than in the grips of what happened then.

“If only I knew then what I know now, things would be oh so different”

This is your chance to do that and reap the benefits in your life.

Medical Hypnotherapy

Being diagnosed with a medical condition can be extremely stressful often with an array of emotions being brought up including fears and anxiety to name but a few.

For the best chance of recovery, the mind and the body require respite from such resource draining emotions to focus on healing and well-being.

We work together using all aspects of Clinical, Advanced Analytical and Medical Hypnotherapy to achieve balance so healing can take place.

Medical Hypnotherapy works with the mind-body connection in it’s interaction with the Autonomic/ Endocrine/ Immune systems. By working with these systems and their natural rhythms and cycles, it activates our natural healing mechanisms within us and therefore improving and widening possible outcomes.

This is a powerful aid to medical procedures and treatments, working hand in hand with medical teams for a holistic approach to physical healing. Helpful in operation preparation and recovery, the acceptance and progress following a medical diagnosis to enable the mind and body’s available resources to focus on recovery.

Useful in pain management , where the client can learn to master the control of pain to such a point they can eliminate the requirement for analsteigia and anaesthesia in operations and procedures, dial down the pain of conditions and give the mind and body a respite periods from dealing with constant pain or the pain of healing. You may be aware that this is one of the mechanisms used on Hypo-birthing and its popularity in reducing the requirement for drugs and invasive procedures in child birth.

Just the action of going into hypnosis has a profound effect on activating the mind-body healing mechanisms. Used as a daily practice will benefit anyone facing a health challenge. For that matter everyone, who wishes to stay fit and healthy in life.

I trained extensively with Dr John Butler, the world renowned hypnotherapist in medical hypnotherapy and pain management.