Why Hypnotherapy?

Well let me give you a little education into how it is different from other therapies.

We all know that we should stop doing something in our Conscious (Logical) mind.

“I should stop smoking”

“I should be able to give a presentation without being terrified”

“I should be be able to relax about going to the doctor”

“I should be able to ask for what I want”

“I should be able to say no”

The list goes on and I am sure you can come up with a list all of your own.

We make the arguments in our logic minds, this health benefit, that increase in wealth. We educate ourselves, have the logical conversations, we know what we should do.

And then….

The minute we let our guard down our feelings get the better of us….. our subconscious mind takes us right back to square one.

We find ourselves screaming back at our kids, when we had promised ourselves we would be calm and composed.

We find ourselves eating the very thing we promised we would replace with health alternatives.

We find ourselves a quivering mess before a presentation when we know every inch of our presentation subject.

This is where we find ourselves in the realms of our Subconsious (Feeling) mind, the wonderful part of the mind which takes all we believe and have repeatedly learnt and uses it without a second thought. Bam…. it’s there for you to use. It is powerful and more potent than the logical mind. The problem is were you actually the one who ingrained it there? is it actually your belief or someone else’s? Was your mind developed enough when you learnt this belief to understand its meaning?

Now when you enter into the hypnotic state, your subconscious mind is more accessible and open to your logical mind, and a hypnotherapist can skilfully guide your subconscious and conscious mind to work together with greater ease. Insights into what happened and how that made you feel and the resultant actions over the years that lead you to where you are now, all aid in change. This enables you to chose to change erroneous beliefs, chose to change your response and choose to change your feelings. It is an amazing therapy which works on a whole different level to other therapies, at the level of permanent change, at the level where once accepted is automatic. Once you know this information you may ask yourself “why would you address change in any other way?”.

So in answer to why hypnotherapy? The answer is it works on a level that other therapies do not. A deeper level which is normally not achieved in other therapies in the Subconscious. When you feel differently about something you find it so much easier to carry it out. Thus it takes little or no or very little effort to maintain.

The question can now be “What would I like to feel differently about?”

If this sparks your interest in hypnotherapy and what it could do you for you or others, contact me at Freedom Therapy.