Empowering People

In Emotional Health and Well-Being

With this You Can Achieve Anything


Emotional Resilience

I like to discribe most Mental Health Issues as Emotional Health Challenges.

Emotional - Suggests what you are feeling, the physical expression of the emotions inside us, it is an interpretation of the stimulus presented, generated from our subconscious mind.

Health - Suggests the status, balance or in-balance.

Challenges - Suggests it requires an element of planning and action to resolve it.

We all have differing levels of Emotional Health and is an interpretation of what we are presented with in light of our knowledge, background, beliefs and experiences. You can have one person who loves the challenge of presenting in public and another who is so terrified they bring on a panic attack. One feels like everyone in the room is there to hear the knowledge they are there to share and the other feels like everyone in the room is there to criticise them, or feel inadequate in their knowledge. It is the perception of the situation from their beliefs that drives the emotional response of either one of them.

This is the area of which my work lies, in the belief system, in emotional mind and with the language of feelings, and those feelings in the body. We work on what these emotions and feeling are trying to tell you and then take action to help alleviate them, and create and embed where you want to be.

I can’t tell you the relief that is shown on my clients faces and their whole body when I discuss that what they are going through is normal for the emotional experience they are having with the interpretation skills and beliefs they are employing. It takes the pressure off, brings an element of curiosity and hope that change can happen.

When insights are gained, actions taken and balance restored, this enables emotional resilience, leading to responding rather than reacting to life and its challenges.

This is a wonderful, powerful and transformational outcome of the process. Where work is skilfully performed employing the mind (Subconscious) and the body, that when harnessed, is almost effortless to maintain going forward.

How can we help you?

What’s the thing that is holding you back?

Emotional Challenges, Boredom, Inadequacy, Anger, Sadness, Guilt, Frustration, Loneliness, Depression, Fear, Phobias, Unhealthy Habits, Complusive Obsessive Behaviour, Addictions, Weight Gain, Stress, Worrying, Sleep Issues, Motivation, Relationship Issues, Self-Worth/Self-Esteem, Grief, Allergies, Infertility, Skin Conditions, Medical Prognosis.

Or maybe you just can’t put your finger on it or don’t know how to describe it but know that you need to do something.

All of the modalities that I use , Hypnotherapy, EFT and Matrix imprinting, are often what people turn to when they have tried everything they can think of and have been to see everyone available with no or little success. This is because what they need to address is not held in the Conscious (Logical) part of the mind, it is deeper in the Subconscious (Feeling) part of the mind and and in the body and no amount of drugs or distractions will scratch the proverbial itch they have. Only dealing with it at the level it was created addresses it. So it is true to say, I help people even when everything else has failed and with great success due to the level of the mind and body I work at.

So don’t let these be the last thing you try. Make it the first.

Why not take advantage of the 20 minute free consultation and find out how I can help you.